How to add Vertical Lines and Borders to Sections in Squarespace.

How to add vertical lines and borders to sections using SquareKicker

Thin lines are a simple yet effective way to break up your site and provide a clear segmentation for your content. It has always been easy to add horizontal lines in Squarespace but until now vertical lines have required custom code

SquareKicker makes it easy to add these throughout your site using the Section Border tool with full control over the border size, color and style.


In the example above we have combined the Split Sections with Section Border feature to create a vertical line running through the site.

Here's how it's done

To create this look we first need to create two or more sections that will sit side by side. To do this we can use the SquareKicker Split Sections tool.
  1. Now, select the Squarespace Section you want to add the vertical lines to.
  2. Click the SquareKicker icon.
  3. Stay in the Design tab (default).
  4. Select the Border menu option. 
  5. In this window you will find the options to customize the following.
    • Boarder style
    • Border color
    • Border size
    • Which sides of the border is applied to.
  6. Click Apply to save your design changes.
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