Change the Font and Style of One Word in Squarespace.

Customize one word of text on a heading or paragraph using SquareKicker

Let's create this

  1. Select the Squarespace text block. 
  2. Click the Squarespace edit icon (pencil).
  3. Select the Heading or Paragraph tag you want to target (Heading 1, 2, 3, Paragraph 1, 2, 3 etc).
  4. Highlight the word/s you want to customize and apply the BOLD, ITALIC, or STRIKE styling (This creates a trigger for the changes and the styling can be removed later in the SquareKicker design panel).
  5. Select the Squarespace text block and click on the SquareKicker icon.
  6. Locate the Design tab (default).
  7. Select the Font menu option.
  8. Select the text type you are working on (Example: Heading 1).
  9. Select your font type across the top of the Design panel. A - All, B - Bold, I - Italic, Link and T - Strike and style with SquareKicker.
    • You can change font, size, color, spacing, alignment, add highlighter, text outline, and more
    • SquareKicker has a full library of over 1000 Google fonts for you to use throughout your website
  10. Select Apply to save your settings.


In this example the following words have been given the following style attributions.

  • Change = Strike
  • Font = Italics
  • Word = Bold


Example 1

In the next example the word "Word" has had its colour changed.

  • Heading 1
  • Bold selector
  • Custom Color 
Example 2

In the next example the word "Font" has had its font changed.
  • Heading 1
  • Italics selector
  • Custom Font

Example 3

In the next example the word "Change" has had its style changed.
  • Heading 1
  • Strike selector
  • Remove Strike Toggle
  • Highlight color
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