What if my client wants to be able to use SquareKicker for themselves?

What if my client wants to be able to use SquareKicker for themselves

During the design phase anyone who has admin access to the Squarespace website will be able enter edit mode and use the SquareKicker tools. If the website is in your 'active list' of websites your client will be able to make changes using SquareKicker.

If your client wants to use SquareKicker to make custom design changes after you have completed their website, they can sign up for their own SquareKicker account. Once they have done so, contact SquareKicker support who can transfer the website to your clients own SquareKicker account.

NOTE: SquareKicker will not transfer a designer's work to a client without written permission from the designer, unless contact is unable to be made with the designer.



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