Cascade Styling (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile).

Cascade Styling

When using SquareKicker, All design changes are cascading. Meaning changes flow down screen sizes. The default is 'All Devices' so changes are applied to Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Mobile.

You can use the screen size toggle in the top left corner of your UI to control customizations on different screen sizes. These changes will 'flow down' to any smaller screen sizes. 
  • When 'Desktop' is selected changes will flow to all screen sizes.
  • When 'Laptop' is selected changes will flow to tablet and phone.
  • When 'Tablet' is selected changes will flow to phone.
  • When 'Phone' is selected changes will only effect phone.
The SquareKicker device breakpoints are:
  • 1400px laptop.
  • 1024px tablet.
  • 767px mobile.

These are the same breakpoints that Squarespace use.

NOTE: This feature only works for SquareKicker settings. Any changes made using Squarespace Tools, Blocks and Sections will be applied across devices.

Watch a Video (Time Stamp: 1:16)

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