How do I add pages and sections to a template?

The Creator Studio uses categories to compile pages and sections in a template. Each page and section to be included in a template for sale must be assigned an appropriate category. Categories are optimized for listing on the Template Store and will make your template easier to find and purchase. The categories will then help the Template User navigate and utilize the template they've purchased.

Section Categories.png

How to select categories 

The process for selecting categories for pages and sections is almost identical. 

For pages:

  1. Open to the Pages navigation panel in Squarespace
  2. In the top right of this panel you will see a SquareKicker button titled 'Creator', click on this button to activate the SquareKicker page template menu
  3. Hover over the page name you want to select a category for (and add to your template)
  4. Click on the template icon to the right of page name
  5. This icon opens a popup of page categories
  6. Choose your categories
  7. To unselect a category click on the category button again
  8. Click save

For sections:

  1. Enter Edit mode
  2. Navigate to the section you wish to add
  3. Locate the section 'Template' button below the 'Extension' button (see image below).
  4. This button opens a popup of page categories
  5. Choose your categories
  6. To unselect a category click on the category button again
  7. Click save

Note: A list of page/section categories will be shown to the Template User when adding a page to a site or a section to a page.

Recommended and custom categories

Choose from a selection of recommended categories. These categories are optimized for listing in the Store and make it quick and easy for you to categorize your pages and sections (see an example above). 

You can add a custom category if the suggested categories don't seem to fit your page or section. Custom categories will be assessed when you submit your template for review.

Tips for using categories 

  • Select categories as you go - they can be changed. You can continue to make design changes to pages/sections and update categories even after you have selected a category.
  • Select multiple categories. You can select more than one category for each page and section.
  • Look for the yellow indicator dot. You might be familiar with the SquareKicker indicator dot system in the Extension. In the Creator Studio, a yellow dot appears when a page or section has been assigned a category. For pages, a yellow dot will be next to the page name in the Squarespace page navigation area. For sections, a yellow dot will be to the right of the section 'Template' button below the 'Extension' button (see image below).
  • Check before your export. When your template is ready to be exported, only pages and sections that have been selected with a category will be exported. You will be able see the total number of pages and sections for export in the top level template menu (see second image below). This data will also be visible once you've submitted your template from the Dashboard. 

Template Yellow Dot.png

Template Panel.png

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