Text Customization in Squarespace (Classic Mode).

Customize your text on a heading or paragraph using SquareKicker

To make custom changes to your text in a Classic Section you can use SquareKicker.
NOTE: The process for Squarespace Fluid Engine is different. Discover how customize the font and style of one word in Fluid Engine here.

Here's how it's done

  1. Select the Squarespace text block
  2. Note the text type (i.e. Heading 1) 
  3. Click the SquareKicker icon.


  4. Stay in the Design tab (default).
  5. Select the Text menu option.
  6. Select the Font menu option.


  7. Target of the text sub-type you would like to change (H1, H2, H3, H4, P1, P2, P3).
  8. Here you can customize the following.
    • Font Type
    • Font Size
    • Font Color 
    • Wont Weight
    • Line Height
    • Line Spacing
    • Highlight Color
    • Highlight Height
    • Highlight Alignment
    • Text Transfrom
  9. Click Apply to save design changes.

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