Creating background shapes in Squarespace (Classic Editor).

Creating background shapes using SquareKicker (Classic Mode)

Have you ever created shapes in a design program to import into your site but then are stuck without the ability to alter your design once it is in Squarespace?

In this tutorial we will show you how to make background shapes in Squarespace Classic using SquareKicker. 

Let's make this

  1. In Squarespace edit mode select an image block you want to turn into a background shape.
  2.  Open Squarespace settings (pencil icon)
  3. Click the Design tab
  4. Select the drop down menu and choose the Poster setting.
  5. Next click the Image Block SquareKicker icon.
  6. Remain in the Design tab (default).
  7. Choose the Image option. 
  8. Enter the Layout menu option.
  9. Here you can set the image to a fixed ratio. We are going to select a square so we can turn it into a diamond.
  10. Next go back into the Image tab.
  11. Open the Overlay menu option.
  12. Select the color for your background shape. 
  13. Return to the Image tab.
  14. Open the Rotate menu option.
  15. Rotate. Here you can rotate the image block.
  16. Click Apply to save the design changes.






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