Replace the standard mouse cursor with SquareKicker

Site Wide Mouse Cursers

  1. Click the SquareKicker menu in the top right of your screen
  2. Select the Site tab
  3. Select the Advanced tab
  4. Click Mouse Cursors


Here you can change your

  • Primary cursor (site wide)
  • Link cursor (site wide)
Here you can replace the standard mouse cursor with...
  • a shape
  • an emoji
  • or text

You can also customise details like the size, color, rotation and click point of your custom cursor.

NOTE: your custom mouse will not be visible in Squarespace's edit mode once you apply the custom settings using SquareKicker. To view your custom mouse curser you will need to exit edit mode. 

Individual section or block cursor settings.

  1. Select the Squarespace Section or Block
  2. Click the SquareKicker icon
  3. Select the Advanced tab
  4. Click Mouse Cursors.

These cursor settings will take priority over your website wide settings.
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