Custom Layers (Sections & Blocks).

Custom Layers (Sections & Blocks)

Block and Section Custom Layer Tools may be useful when creating some advanced designs where you need to position blocks or sections in front or behind each other.   


The Block Layer Tool can be helpful when making a block sticky or using scrolling effects because it may overlap when moving on the screen and there may be times when you want to shift a block in front to behind another block. You can achieve this by using SquareKicker to change the layer levels.

To customize the layer of a block

  1. Select the Squarespace Block
  2. Click the SquareKicker Icon on the Block
  3. Enter the Advanced tab
  4. Select the Layers tool

In the Layers Tab you have the options to 'Send to Back', 'Bring to Front' or choose a 'Custom' layer level to organize multiple Blocks in a specific order.



The Section Layer Tool can be helpful when making a section sticky and there may be times when you want a section to scroll in front or behind another section or keep a sticky section visible at all times.

Another time you may want to use this tool is when a block moves outside a section, either with the position tool or with scrolling effects and you want the block to move over the section rather than disappearing under the above section.  By bringing the section to a higher layer level, this keeps specific sections and their content on top. 

To customize the layer of a Squarespace Section

    1. Select the Squarespace Section
    2. Click the SquareKicker Icon on the section
    3. Enter the Design tab
    4. Select Layout

In the Layout tab you have the option to choose a specific Section Layer.



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